I have a problem.
But saying that is like me saying I have a fly buzzing around my head.
All I really have to do is get off my lazy butt and get the fly swatter
(or better yet, some duct tape, hair spray, and a lighter{my personal fave})
but its trying so hard to piss me off by buzzing around me over and over again.
So I'm gonna piss it off even more by shutting the door and letting it run into my window a few times until it knocks itself out.
Click here to see what I mean... ;]
Yeah, I know...
"Just block him"
I could just let the fly out the window...but I'm thinking duct tape and a hand made flame thrower makes me smile longer.
And if you really want to make me smile...
No...that's just mean...
But apparently people want to...
Bah, what the hell.
Go, see SNXMAN's page.
PM 'im and let him know he's an asshole. :]
Or, be creative and do what you do best to irk him!
I don't care, I'm just clearing out my inbox and moving on ;D
Because really, I'm tired of this mess =/
I just wanna read my comic books and post new art without having to worry about creeps like him bothering me.
Other people like thespammer, pheonix63098, spamasaurousrex and The-spammer have been good to me.
Let's keep it that way @_@
Nighty night NG