I just don't get it. Why is it that stupid lame ass people like this idiot can post flash after flash of the most irritating, obnoxious, dribble that is so far off from funny my cousins in elementary school would probably blam it
yet... when someone like thespammer posts something that is not only relatively funny, but a video you can actually understand the words to, get a chuckle out of it and not suffer through a loop of some inside joke only some circle of assclowns gets, the thing is blammed in a heart beat.
And I think its blammed purely outta spite.
What the hell? God, I wish I was of a level to where I had the voting power to just blam shit like that outta the stratosphere.
Seriously, you could be using this time and effort to good use. The creativity you're wasting to put that raped paper bag together could be used to make something actually funny instead of a waste of NG's space and my time.
...thank you for reading my rant. I'm sorry, its been bugging me for a really long time because I appreciate good art and awesome movies. Not pieces of shit and the spam a lot of these douches are posting.
Da cat's right.You make an interesting point.Good art , awesome flash,like blockhead,Joe Zombie,Killing Spree,Madness Combat,Salad Fingers,and sum others.